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Illamasqua Discounts and Cashback

Verified Illamasqua discount and coupon codes

Cashback rules for Illamasqua

Up to 10% cashback for new Illamasqua customers.
Up to 5% cashback for returning Illamasqua customers.

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General rules:

  1. Turn off Adblock and similar ad-blocking plugins
  2. Purchase in a single browsing session
  3. Ensure your cart is empty before enabling cashback
  4. Order using only one device

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About Illamasqua

Illamasqua is a cruelty-free beauty brand that’s all about freedom of self-expression and non-conformity towards the industry norms. Every Illamasqua product is a blend of innovative formulas and textures enriched with high-powered pigments to create everything from stunning highlighters to skin perfecting primers. If you want to make a statement with your makeup, choose Illamasqua. 

Find the latest offers and Illamasqua voucher codes on the dedicated Monetha page and enjoy your beauty purchases with cashback rewards. Don’t forget to check this space daily to get the freshest Illamasqua promo codes

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Shipping policy

Returns are accepted for Illamasqua orders, with the condition that all products must be in pristine condition to qualify for a full refund. Upon receipt, our quality assurance team inspects all items, and if they do not meet the specified criteria, we are unable to issue a refund. In such cases, items will be returned to the customer at their expense. Standard Shipping: – Orders over $50: Free – Orders under $50: $3.95 – Delivered within 7-8 working days – Hawaii and Alaska may take up to 14 days Express Shipping: $10 – Order before 4PM EST for delivery in 2-3 working days Premium Shipping: $20 – Order before 4PM EST for delivery in 1-2 working days International Shipping: $15 – Expected shipping in 10-14 business days – Please allow 30 business days to arrive as this can differ by country During busy periods, some Premium/Express delivery services may be temporarily unavailable.

Return & refund policies

Returns are accepted for Illamasqua orders, with the condition that all products must be in pristine condition to qualify for a full refund. Upon receipt, our quality assurance team inspects all items, and if they do not meet the specified criteria, we are unable to issue a refund. In such cases, items will be returned to the customer at their expense. Standard Shipping: – Orders over $50: Free – Orders under $50: $3.95 – Delivered within 7-8 working days – Hawaii and Alaska may take up to 14 days Express Shipping: $10 – Order before 4PM EST for delivery in 2-3 working days Premium Shipping: $20 – Order before 4PM EST for delivery in 1-2 working days International Shipping: $15 – Expected shipping in 10-14 business days – Please allow 30 business days to arrive as this can differ by country During busy periods, some Premium/Express delivery services may be temporarily unavailable.

Illamasqua FAQs

What country is Illamasqua from?

Although the name sounds kind of French, Illamasqua is actually a completely British brand. By the way, the name actually comes from two English words “illusion” and “masquerade.”

Is Illamasqua a clean brand?

Yes, Illamasqua is a clean, cruelty-free, and vegan friendly brand. Illamasqua does not test their products on animals and the brand has a dedicated vegan line. However, it is also considered a high-end brand, so checking out the Illamasqua discount codes on the dedicated Monetha page might be a smart move!

Where can I buy Illamasqua in the US?

You can find Illamasqua at SkinStore, SkincareRX, and LookFantastic. However, if you’d like to save on your purchases with Illamasqua discounts and cashback rewards, we suggest shopping at our partner store, LookFantastic.

Where can you find Illamasqua coupon codes?

Illamasqua is definitely one of those pricier brands, but thankfully, you can always find the latest Illamasqua discounts on the dedicated Monetha page or on the brand’s official website.

Can you shop Illamasqua products with cashback?

While Illamasqua does not offer a loyalty program for their clients, you can always shop with cashback rewards with the Monetha app. Besides rewards, you’ll also find all the latest Illamasqua voucher codes and offers there, too.

How do I know when my Illamasqua order has been dispatched?

Illamasqua notifies customers via email as soon as their order is dispatched, providing them with tracking information. Additionally, customers can monitor the progress of their order and track it by logging into their account on the website.

In the event of any delays or if items are shipped separately, Illamasqua ensures transparency by communicating updates to customers promptly.

What does Illamasqua mean?

Illamasqua” is a portmanteau word (a word that connects two parts of other words), combining “illusion” and “masquerade to make Illamasqua.

What is the Illamasqua returns policy?

Customers have a 30-day window from the date of receiving their item to initiate a return. For specific details on order cancellations, please refer to Illamasqua’s terms and conditions.

To qualify for a full refund, all products must be in pristine condition upon return. Upon receipt, all items are inspected by our quality assurance team. Failure to meet the aforementioned criteria may result in the inability to issue a refund, and items will be returned to the customer at their expense. Illamasqua reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the saleability of returned merchandise.

In the event of receiving a damaged, faulty, or incorrect item, customers are advised to contact our customer service team through ‘My Account’ for resolution on a case-by-case basis. Please note that Illamasqua does not offer exchanges; customers must place a new order and return the original item for a refund.

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