Earn gift cards with surveys

Take surveys and get paid in Amazon gift cards, VISA, PayPal, or crypto!

Cards Amazon - Monetha
take surveys
get paid

It's like getting free money

Getting paid for taking surveys is a fun and easy way to turn your spare time into free-money-time!

Gift 1 - Monetha

Super easy to start

Download Monetha app, head to Surveys and start your earning journey!

Rocket - Monetha

Earn when you want

Take surveys whenever and wherever you want, as long as you have access to the app and an internet connection.

Stopwatch - Monetha

100% transparent, no surprises

Before taking every survey, you will know how much you will earn and how long it’s going to take.

Percents Bank - Monetha

Flexible rewards

Spend your rewards on gift cards from Amazon, VISA, PayPal, crypto like Bitcoin, ETH, USDT, and many more options. Your rewards — your choice!

Wallet - Monetha

Our members love earning with Monetha. Here’s why.