2.5x cashback

on electronics

Find the booster code on our social accounts and apply in the app to boost your savings


Where is the code?

1. Find the code on socials

Where is the code?

Check our social media channels for the code and go to the next step.

boost code social 2 - Monetha

How to use it?

2. Apply in the app

How to use it?

Got the booster code? Add it in the Monetha app and enjoy 2.5x cashback* on Computer & Electronics category!

booster screen1 - Monetha

Go to redeem section

Open the Monetha app and click Redeem in the navigation menu at the bottom.

arrow grey - Monetha
booster screen2 - Monetha
arrow grey - Monetha

Click + button

Click ⨁ at the top right of the screen.

booster screen3 - Monetha

Add the code

Insert the code and click Submit. The booster will be applied within 5 minutes.

The code is case-sensitive (CODE ≠ Code).

The rules of the event


The rules of the event

  1. 2.5x higher cashback than the base rate is unlocked when the following requirements are met:
    • user is registered in the Monetha mobile app;
    • user profile in the Monetha mobile app is completed to 100%;
    • user applied a valid booster code.
  2. Increased cashback is applied to all shops of the Monetha mobile app inside Computer & Electronics category.
  3. Increased cashback is valid until January 27th, 2023 23:59 (GMT).